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Most companies have generic values like “honesty” or “integrity” but nobody knows what they mean. We’re a bit more deliberate:

  1. 🚚 Drivers, not passengers: You want your choices to matter. You don’t let people boss you around. You take full accountability for your work, including your failures. You believe that effort matters a lot more than luck.
  2. 🍨 Sensitive but direct communication: You give feedback, understand opposing positions, disagree with respect, and listen without interrupting. You also don’t play doormat saying yes to everything.
  3. 🔦 Comfort with uncertainty: When stuck, you’ll find the way forward. You’ll reddit your way out of problems, ask for help, or just try things until something works. Waiting for help isn’t your thing.
  4. ⛰️ High freedom, high standards: You want room to do things your way because you’re confident you can do it better without someone hovering above you. You keep the bar so high that you don’t need a boss to tell you to do great work.
  5. ⚽ Deliberate practice: You spend your free time engaging in some form of self-improvement. You read books, surround yourself with people you admire, or pick up a new skill.
  6. 🌻 Energetic and optimistic: You believe that the world isn’t doomed and that you’re part of the solution to make it better. You wake up refreshed and excited to take on new problems.
  7. ⚒️ Improvers: “Can it be better?” You get frustrated with mediocrity—in yourself, in other people, at the world. You pull the bar higher for everyone.
  8. 🧠 Thinkers who get things done: You value deep and creative thought, but you move forward despite imperfections. You don’t get paralyzed.
  9. 😤 Team, not family: You see a company as a group of people working together on something, not an extension of your family. We love working with each other, but when push comes to shove, the work matters more than the relationships.
  10. 🪨 Believes in the mission: You think we’re doing something worthwhile and you want to help make it happen.

What’s our culture like?